Oky ive been dating this guy for 7-8 months ive known him for 4-5years, he was married at the time but soon after he told me how he felt he started the process for a divorce and it went thru 2months ago. (he has 2 kids with his ex) We had a argument 2months ago and he went craze - meaning he threatened to kill himself and was crying and swearing and all that, ive tried to help him thru this situation but it ended up him believing we are back together, 2 weeks ago we had another argument and helost it again but this time it freake me out totally, he kept sending me msg saying "you are mine" (repeating thous words over and over) as well as im everything to him he cant live without me est. leaving threatening msg and then it ended up in him trying to
[Edited by PSY: Removed graphic description of suicide attempt.]... I dont know what to do, i want tyo get out of this situation i dont want to be with him anymore but im affraid if i leave he will end up killing himself and everybody will blame me or even worse he will end up killing me maybe not sure what to do please help??????