This school year already went to hell, I get it. But why make it worse? She had every right to be pissed about the baby powder incident because instruments were damaged, people were sent to the hospital, etc. That comment made had nothing to do with transgender people or being sexist or whatever the hell you said. No, she just said Beth couldn't play a guy character and make it believable because she's got the biggest boobs in the drama club and it would make it look as if she was making fun of guys. If you're upset about something, talk to that person about it. Don't get the whole damn school involved. And don't post stupid shit on the internet about teachers and accuse them of stalking you. No, people printed it out and showed the teacher.. and yet you sit there and treat this teacher with complete disrespect and you bitch when she yells at you. I don't get it. But you're ruining this school. Stop smoking in the damn bathrooms and doing drugs. Stop trying to rebel against teachers and start drama with the teachers. Like its bad enough there is tons of drama in the first place, but to start drama with a teacher? Are you kidding me? Teachers are supposed to help students in those situations, not be part of the problem because of you. She had every right to fire him, he was talking smack about the play. You don't want people like that saying shit or else people will decide not to go to the play because they heard it sucked. Its business kid. Get over it. I want to go to a school where I can at least walk into a classroom and not have to pick sides between my best friends and my teachers.