Re: Rape and "Equality" -
March 29th 2014, 10:12 PM
some, most people with such beliefs are hopelessly lost. You can't reach out to them. If you ever get any feedback from them, it will be denial of truth & ad hominem.
But it was really good of you to point out the bigotry. It's not the bigots you want to convince, but those who are neutral who will choose what statements look the most reasonable.
If you challenge them to public debates in person (for example), it is never your goal to convince each other, but to win the majority of the audience to your side. If they throw ad hominem your way, point out to the audience what they have just done.
Keep speaking up about bigotry no matter which gender it affects, as we are all human, and you are a human who has my respect, Jake.
Best regards,
Men's Human Rights Activist
"In summary, men experience systematic discrimination in parenting, domestic violence policies, education, criminal sentencing, paternity, forced labor, military conscription, public health policies, genital integrity, false accusations, reproductive rights, portrayal by the media and in the coverage of their issues by the news media."