Originally Posted by SpecterH
You need to do the same. I know that you want him to perform oral sex on you, but you can't expect it or force it. If you really care about him, you need to respect him entirely - and that includes refraining from forcing him to do anything that he's not comfortable doing.
This. I understand that you feel bad because he doesn't want to do this, but you can't just jump to conclusions about why he doesn't currently want to orally pleasure you. If he doesn't want to, then he doesn't want to, and chances are it's simply because he just isn't ready. And in a healthy relationship, you have to respect that. For the longest time, my fiancé desperately wanted that experience with me. But did he do it? Absolutely not. Because I made it clear I did not want it, and he respected that because he knew I just wasn't ready.
How would you feel if this situation were reversed? What if oral sex was something you absolutely did not want no matter what, but he wanted it so badly, and he kept bringing it up? Don't you think you might feel bad, or pressured to consent because of it? That's why the best thing you can do here is just do your best to stop thinking about it and give him some time to come to his own decisions.