Re: Addicted to Depression -
March 28th 2014, 02:11 AM
Hello Mara! 
After reading your message - my first response was... WOW!! As in 'you really get it'! YES! We can become 'addicted' to depression. But it's not so much the depression we are 'addicted' to - but how our life has adapted to it. How we live with our depression has become familiar. And the familiar is always less threatening than something new and different. Even if the familiar isn't very good. Many women who are battered by their boyfriend - for example - will end up with a new boyfriend who also batters her. She is attracted to abusive guys. And for one reason only - she is familiar with that type of guy. And oddly enough - finds some comfort in the 'familiar'. If someone is depressed for a long time - that becomes their way of life. They know it. They know how to deal with it. And that's true - even if their not dealing with it very well. Like you said - it's how they identify themselves - to themselves and to others.
BREAKING FREE of that first requires a person to appreciate all of this - and THAT is exactly what you have done. You have taken a GIANT step forward in become free of depression. My advice now would be for you to make light of your habit - see if for what it is. Depression is something you have been dealing with. Depression is not who you are. See what I mean? Put depression in its place. Remind yourself that you are much bigger than any thought or feeling. Feelings - after all - are not facts. If you feel a depressive moment coming on - acknowledge it - and then decide what you want to do with it. So often - when we fear something - or no longer want to deal with something - we try our best to avoid it. But I say - grab hold of it. For only then do you have any say as to what happens next. "I'm starting to feel depressed." OK. Now what? Well... DECIDE how much power you want to give that feeling. Always put that feeling in its place. You have lots of other feelings too. Not always - but I think more often than now - we do have power over how we feel. Many happy [as in very content] people will tell you that they made a choice to be happy. And in doing so - began to focus more intently on those things that brought them joy.
I hope this helped. Even if just a bit!