My parents divorced a few years ago. It was really hard and all i wanted is them to get back together. i wanted my life back. But eventually my mom found someone else and moved out. my dad turned into an alcoholic and started using drugs. i havents seen him in liiike....3 years...i think...but its just made me realize who really cared about me and who didnt. Its a tough change but youll get through it and everything will be okay. just because your parents are divorcing, doesnt mean they dont love you. they probably didnt want to tell you straight away because they didnt know how to...telling someone something like that isnt you shouldnt be mad at them for that...running away wont will just cause more stress on the family and itll cause a lot of problems for you...if you have someone that you teust, like a family member or a friend, tou could talk to them which would probably help you deal with the divorce better...or you could alwas talk to people on here...were all here for you