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PureStorm Offline
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Re: Its Time to Achieve my Goal, but I Need Help!!! - March 26th 2014, 09:34 PM

Well, having been in 4 different hobby groups where there were ~50% women but none a potential date, I can't agree with ^ . You might find one there, but it's unlikely. And if you aren't looking as a male in this society, you're most likely going to stay single. Men -usually- make the first step and come to women, so advice from [those] women [who it works for] to you will be to stay passive and wait for it to happen, because it works for them. But to many men who do this, it just won't happen. I know 2 really decent guys, 27 and 28 years old now, they're probably a little better looking than I. I've known them for years, they're not awkward, not around women either. But they are waiting for a good opportunity to show itself, they've done so for many years. They refuse to become active and stay single. I'd still have a really shitty dating life if I hadn't become active 2-3 years ago.

I say go look for her. By that I don't mean stalking everybody I mean finding someone interesting by striking up casual conversations with random people who look interesting, not limited to women. If you learn to do this, opportunities will show themselves if it clicks.
It takes some practice to get them interested in continuing the conversation, though.

Wishing you the success you seek,

"In summary, men experience systematic discrimination in parenting, domestic violence policies, education, criminal sentencing, paternity, forced labor, military conscription, public health policies, genital integrity, false accusations, reproductive rights, portrayal by the media and in the coverage of their issues by the news media."