Member since April '07
I can't get enough *********
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Join Date: January 7th 2009
Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
March 20th 2014, 02:26 AM
- You're ridiculous. How dare you let me go for something like this?? I'm losing what respect I ever had for this company. This isn't 'fair treatment' at all and you can bet your scabby ass no other catering company would dare treat their staff like this. I have no worry about finding another job with better treatment but I can't believe you split me up from my favourite building in the world and co-workers who are like family to me. For doing something I was not forbidden to do. How can you sleep at night?? I'm pretty sure this counts as unfair dismissal and if you've decided you don't want me, I can assure you that every other staff member in the building does, the brief support I was given today was brilliant and I know the ushers were pretty upset that I was leaving and you have no idea what this will do to the morale of the bar staff, E was nearly in tears and the others are devastated. I'm just another employee to you that it was convenient to get rid of, but this job is nearly everything to me. You're pretty low and I hope you get that shocking realisation in the very near future. Whatever happens, I'll be back working in that building at some stage. Just because someone who has never worked with me and is choosing to ignore my perfect record, has decided to dismiss me (probably illegally??) over a technicality that barely exists, does not mean that whatever went down this week was right. You should be fucking ashamed.
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.