Re: The High School Experience: Worth It or Not? -
March 18th 2014, 02:44 AM
I agree with you to a point in regards to teenagers not always knowing 'love' and then those who really do want something more, like those like yourself end up getting hurt, however, school is an intended place of learning not a dating outpost. With every place we go to, whether it's school, college, university or work, we're going to meet someone who peaks our interest and we're bound to feel at least 'something' for them in one for or another but there are different levels of this. At school here where I live, my experience of school involved a lot of what you said, people who get together because they 'think' they're in love and then they end up splitting, but the primary reason for this is partially because 1. other people are doing it and 2. because their mind is only young, their hormones are developing and so love isn't as much of an agenda as other things. Once you reach college, this is where things develop, you're treated more like an adult and you have to act like it too, this is where some good decent relationships can emerge, and this is not to say they can't from school because they can, but the majority, at least where I went to school, proper relationship development didn't happen until pupils reached college and met a variety of different people which schools can't necessarily offer. Same with university. Same with work.
My experience of school, I had no time to be forming relationships with people, I wasn't really interested, partially because I was getting bullied lot but because no one ever interested me until I left school and went to college.