Have you ever had alcohol?
If so, how old were you then?
I really have no idea. Growing up my parents would give me a sip of their wine or mixed drinks if I wanted. However, the first time I got drunk I think I was 12.
Why did you have alcohol?
I tried alcohol because I was curious. I kept drinking because for the most part I enjoy it.
How much did you have?
When I was young it was only sips here and there. When I was 12 and got drunk for the first time I spilt a bottle of Champagne with my friend at Christmas.
Hangover or not?
No hangover the first time but I tend to get them every time I drink now 
How bad?
I'm prone to headaches so having a super hangover headache is no fun.
If you haven't had alcohol, what are your thoughts on it?
I have had alcohol but I'll give you my thoughts anyways... I think it is fine in moderation.
If you could tell a younger family member/friend one thing about alcohol, what would you say? Why?
I would tell them to try and find out their limits early on and not push those limits. I would also warn them that they are bound to make some mistakes while drunk and they need to watch out for themselves. I would talk to them about the dangers of drinking and driving and let them know if they are ever in trouble they can call me no questions asked. I'd also give them a few tips about dos and don'ts of drinking. Finally, I would ask them if they really think they are ready for this and if they think they are mature enough to stay safe.
Do you ever regret drinking alcohol for the first time?
Have fun and be safe everyone
Lots of love <3 Mimi