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Re: Is starving yourself an Eating Disorder? - March 3rd 2014, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Harlequin. View Post
I'll start by answering your question: by itself, not eating is not a disorder. It's disordered eating (in the way it is not the normal thing to do) but alone it is not an eating disorder. The intentions behind it decide what exactly is going on, and the term "starving yourself" makes it sounds like you're doing it intentionally, which would indicate some kind of disorder, although obviously no one here (me included) can diagnose you.

But sweetheart, not eating won't make people like you. I know life sucks and I know it hurts- but please, don't do this. Even if your eyes are blinded by sadness, depression- people love you. They do and it's true. Talk to anyone on this site and I can pretty much guarantee they'll say they care about you. You're human, you're worth so much more than sadness and one day, one day it will, as cliche as it sounds, go away. One day you'll be happy, and the first step towards that is to dodge this pothole. Don't make this mistake, you're evidently already hurting so bad, don't make yourself hurt more. I'm so sorry you're struggling right now, I truly am- and I wish, I wish I could make it better. But I can't. Only you can make it better, only you can fix yourself. Reach out, talk to someone. Let them know you're hurting, you deserve their support.


Laura x
Thanks for replying.

At the meantime I began to eat again because a friend, who really means a lot to me, is worried about me because I told him what I do and did. He went through quite a rough time and still does, just like me and so we're helping eachother.