Picking- Is it self harm? -
February 28th 2014, 05:52 AM
Hello everyone, I'm Crimosnia, and I have a problem. I already know it's a problem and it's occurred to me more than once many times.
I'm not quite sure how to come about it, but I have a problem with picking at my breasts. Now this is not on purpose, it just happens. I might be self-consciously or doing it out of a mental problem or something. I'm not sure what to call it. But I've been fighting with stopping for a really long time because it does leave scars and cause problems. I would like not to have scabs or what not when I want to be intimate in my future, because it's embarrassing. My reason for having the scabs and scars is that I scratch myself in my sleep, but that isn't true. I pick when I feel stressed... and I'm not sure how to address it.
What advice can you give me? What have you done to stop harming yourself? I'm not sure what I can do right now, and it's obnoxious to me.