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Name: Carol Wells
Age: 43
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Re: My friend has anorexia - February 28th 2014, 01:47 AM

Originally Posted by lucyintheground View Post
hi guys,
My best friend has had anorexia for about six months. I don't like what she is doing, obviously, but right now I am one of the only stable things in her life. I have at least some form of depression and also do self harm, and so I call us the 'two fuckups'. it has been really great to have a supporting force in my life, but she is a lot worse than me, and she is slipping away. She eats around [Edited.] a day, and swims about twice or three times a week. on other days she does five hundred crunches and situps and pushups to keep the calories down. I am really worried. I try not to push her, but I mean... I am starting to have frequent visions of me at her funeral!!! what should I do?
Did her family know about what happened to her now? I became a anorexia patient before I think she need a professional help possible now. You as her friend is good, but if that case she need more medical consultation to help her. help me to win the battle from being a patient to teen helper.

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