Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Is my period normal?
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Re: Is my period normal? - February 24th 2014, 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by shufflebug360 View Post
I got my first period a month and two weeks ago and I got it again 7 days ago. it was heavy and normal on day 1, 2, and 3 but after the fourth day it stopped(well I thought it did) and it was just kind of spotting in the middle of the fifth day. it stopped spotting and I got rid of my "stuff" (pads). its the end of the sixth day and hey presto!! its back again (and real thick) when I was in the shower!!
why does it do that?
is it normal?
I've got school tomorrow and its compulsory to bring your swimsuit or you will get a detention and issued with a second-hand swimsuit and i cant!!
I cant use the earache excuse any more because its Sunday and an ear ache doesn't last 6 days!! and I've got a man teacher AND I've already missed swimming sports because of my stupid period!!!!!!!


P.S. sorry for my ranting on... if you made it this far... good. if your gonna reply even better!!
thanks, I really appreciate it!
I understand that you're confused. Well I got my first period when I was 14. I'm now 17. When you first start, it can be irregular. I remember one of my periods being like this. It may take a few years for it to get regular. Trust me, I'm just getting there (due to being on the pill) So maybe you can see your doctor (Ask for a female one - I unfortunately had a male) and he got me sorted on the pill. I have to go back for a third time to change. It may take a time to find the right pill for your period, but they will become regular in a few years, or maybe with the help of the pill. Hope I helped

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