Re: Is this self harm? -
February 23rd 2014, 07:06 PM
Personally I believe that if you are inflicting pain upon yourself intentionally for any reason it's considered self harm. What you're doing might not be resulting in serious injury but you're still doing it with the intent to harm yourself. Also, in my opinion, the physical effect of self harm is not the only thing that makes it dangerous. To me it was never the scars or the cuts that made self harm a problem. It was the act of turning to a negative coping mechanism to relieve your pain. That becomes a habit, and it can result in turning to many other negative coping mechanisms in the future, whether they are related to self harm or not. You have to know how to cope in a positive way and self harm prevents you from doing that. So in my mind, even though this isn't leaving you with scars or other injury, it is still harming you because it is preventing you from finding positive ways of coping.