Re: Screaming thread. -
February 23rd 2014, 02:34 AM
seriously? You wanted to know how I feel and you want me to get better and shit.. You always tell me that.. When I tell you something is wrong you over react and freak out and all my words are used against me. But when I refuse to talk about my feelings with you, you get pissed. So idk what you want, mom. I understand you are worried about me,but I'm trying really hard and don't you dare say again I'm not. I want to get better but you all don't believe me. How would you like your addictions taken away from you?! It's like having a piece of chocolate or whatever the hell you love sitting right in front of you and you are allowed to have it, is chocolate healthy? No! Do u know its unhealthy? Yes! It's the same thing mom an addiction is an addiction.
Taking everything I love away... Just so you can protect me? It's way to far, I was constantly watch in the ER... I just want some privacy every now and then and I'm home now though.... When I'm upset.. I want my door to be closed, but NO! You don't understand... Unless you been in my shoes and dealt with my pain, stop saying you do.. Saying all these lies to me just to make me feeling better won't help me. I just want you to freaking listen to me and I'll tell you what I need.. Instead of you assuming, let me have a chance to speak.. They are my problems not yours.