Hello, Im new

I don't really swear much and Im actually a really nice guy who would put his life in harms way for a stranger or a puppy ^_^ so excuse my language and death threats o_O
Fuck everyone who ever fucking fucked me over and fuck the ones who will!!!!
Yeah fuck you Ryan and the rest in school, who were Lucky enough that I can control my anger enough to not give into the temptation of fucking ripping your throats out! Yeah thanks for all the fucking scars from the fights throughout my life physical and emotional, you fuckers!! You guys probably had no idea the depths of my Hate and the Rage that I had to force myself to contain every time I even saw you.
The only good thing to come out of all that hate is that now I can deal with my emotions better and have forced myself to become almost a complete pacifist... That and I have some interesting scars to talk about with people
So Thank you Everyone who ever fucked me over Because now I understand the value of true Loyalty to those you Care about and have a really strong empathy for others, to the point where I would do everything in my power just to make someone, who I believe deserves it, a little bit happier in this harsh world.
Huzah... My longest post yet :3
Hi, I enjoy helping people and Im always up for a really long conversation about life in general... so feel free to message me or something... yeah..
Anime/Music/Random stuff/ { Are all great to talk about too... ^_^