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Name: Carol Wells
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Re: My friend has anorexia - February 13th 2014, 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by Ralpanda View Post
Hey there,

Thank you for reaching out to us and it's great that you care so much for your friend that you'd post a topic hear, you're a great person.

As for your friend, have you tried talking straight to her about what she's doing? I would recommend sitting her down and talking to her before you go to her parents, tell her that you can't watch her do this to herself, and tell her that you want to help her get through this. Depending on her reaction, you may not need to tell her parents, however that is always an option if you feel like she's not listening to you or she is getting worse.

As Stelles said, you may think that she will hate you for this, but make sure both of you know that you're doing this for her safety, because that more than anything shows that you do care, and she'll begin to appreciate that with time. Stay strong and make sure that you look after her, and look after yourself too.

I know this can be hard, and it definitely isn't beneficial for your self-harm, but remember that you're an amazing friend, and she's lucky to have someone as caring as you as a friend, if you ever need anyone to talk to about this, I've been in your situation before, as well as hers. Feel free to send me a message if you need it.

Take care of yourself as well,
Your thoughts was awesome!

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