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Re: Should I tell my friend about my depression? - February 12th 2014, 04:12 AM

Hi there!

I think it'd be a good idea to tell her. Then she'd be more likely to support you and understand why you were treating her that way. Telling the truth and communicating might build your friendship stronger. Want my suggestion? If telling her verbally feels difficult, then I think it'd be a good idea to hand her a note explaining it. That way you could talk it out face to face after she reads it. In my opinion, it's always better to do it in person. But sometimes it feels too difficult, if it is, then you could always tell her via text like Dez suggested.

Hope it works out with your friend. Even though taking it out on others isn't the best thing to do, it's understandable. With depression, there has to be an outlet somewhere. I just hope that you can find a healthy outlet and have a healthy support system with your friend. Good luck, stay strong.