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Inescapable Offline
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Will telling my professor I'm suicidal, depressed and grieving, add to him thinking I'm an attention seeking liar who's a drama queen....? - February 12th 2014, 12:31 AM

I'm a freshman in college and I've had a really rough start to hte year. My grandfather passed away (I've lived with him my entire life so this was especially hard) and a week later I lost my dog, and found out that my dad's friend committed suicide. All this happened within the span of three weeks, and it's really taken a toll. I've gone from never having experienced a lost, to losing so much - and it all happened at once.

So I emailed all of my professors asking for extensions and all of them were super kind and understanding and gave me a more than decent amount of time to get caught up.

Buuut, with my psychology professor it turned out to be a little awkward. I sent him multiple emails within the week, first when my grandpa got sick, then when he passed away, and then a third email about my dog & dad's friend. So I guess I ended up bugging him too much about my life and I felt really bad about that afterward, but I thought I should let him know that I was going to be absent and that I needed some time.

He let me take the exam a day later but I think he thinks I'm lying for attention, or making excuses to get deadline extensions. So I took the exam the next day and I am 110% certain that I failed it (unless my random guesses somehow ended up being right, but, no chance of that). Either way, I didn't understand anything on the exam.

On top of the rough time I've been going through, I struggle with high anxiety and severe depression. And my test anxiety also got in the away of my poor exam score.

I am going to meet with this professor tomorrow to review my exam scores. I want to tell him about my exam anxiety but I feel like at the same time I have bugged him enough about my life, and that he doesn't really care enough.

He's such a great professor, he loves all his students, and is really funny and nice. But for some reason, I get this vibe that he really does not like me because of all this. He either thinks I am a liar or just is annoyed as heck with me.

Either way, he's been acting kind of cold to me and his responses when I talk to him are far more blunt and borderline rude, compared to how enthusiastically he talks to everyone else.

Should I talk to him? I don't want any misunderstandings between us. I also would like to research with him, I think him and his work are really cool. I would hate it if he didn't like me because of something I couldn't control.

I know I seem like a problematic student, but all these things were purely coincidental, and I think he might believe that I am going to be one of those students that has an issue every two days.