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Name: taylor
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Re: I'm happy today because... - February 10th 2014, 02:39 AM

Yesterday, the two show choirs from my school, the prep show choir "Impact" and the varsity show choir "Impulse" (which I am a part of), went to compete a couple hours away. It was a huge competition and it lasted the whole day.
Anyways, at daytime awards, the prep show choir got fourth and that was all okay, and then we won best male soloist which was cool. And then... out of nowhere we find out that we got FIRST PLACE in the day-time awards!
And then we had to do night finals, which means our scores are basically wiped clean and we're competing all over again, and we WON FIRST PLACE, BEST VOCALS, BEST CHOREOGRAPHY, BEST BAND, AND PEOPLE'S CHOICE! WE WERE GRAND CHAMPIONS! FIRST TIME IN 4 YEARS WE GOT GRAND CHAMPION!
We were all in tears and hugging each other, and our director was crying and it was all just so incredible :'D
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