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Re: Parents unsupportive of my education - January 27th 2014, 10:50 PM

Unlike what Brady says, being of age does not mean you can do what ever you want just because it's what you want to do. I am financially dependent on my parents despite being 22. I only make about $250 to $300 from my job in a month--that wouldn't even begin to cover ANY of my expenses (I might be able to pay for 1 thing like my cell phone or groceries, maybe both if I was careful about what I bought). If my parents didn't support me financially I wouldn't be in university because I have a learning disability and almost dropped out after 1st year for struggling so much--I now get 1/2 A's and 1/2 B's most of the time (last semester I got straight A's, so the ratio varies!), but without my parents support I wouldn't have gotten that far and not having financial stress many other students have made a huge difference--so while you may not be depending on your parents financially I can absolutely understand the dilemma you are experiencing.

I find it strange that your parents are so resistant to allowing you to make decisions necessary to you're going to college.
Are they paying for your education? If so, have you tried pointing out the financial benefits of you're living with your aunt?
Why is it that they would be insecure about your going to college? *please do not take this next part away:I am in sociology, so my question comes from my education, not from my random uneducated assumptions* i just have to ask if maybe your parents did not go themselves? Is your family maybe poor or working class? I do not mean that in a bad way, it's just that research suggests that poor or working class parents who themselves never went to college might not push their kids to go to college (ex. if the kid wants it, so be it, but they themselves won't necessarily insist on it), now of course, this doesn't mean the parents don't value school or they don't want their kids to go all together (many parents do expect it, and not just un middle class or upper class families). If a kid does go to college and is from a poor or middle class family (who's parents never went to college... let's just assume that this is what I mean from here on) then the parents often do not feel confident in supporting their child in their education because it is something that they never experienced and their social circle will be mostly made up of "like" people (so it's not like all their friends are upper class or something typically speaking). Again, this isn't always the case, for example, I know a doctor who's best friend is a janitor and a labourer at the local factory, but in general typical patterns, this is some stuff that has emerged.... Also, if a kid goes to college and struggles middle class parents and up tend to tell the kid "no, stay, keep trying, we'll get you the services you need" where as middle class parents tend to be like "ok, if you don't like it come home, you can do something else", neither approach is right or wrong: it depends on the child and the parent! Ok, so I am definitely not trying to criticize your family, but you spoke about insecurity and your parents insistence that you can not go live with your aunt, and it just seems that maybe if college life isn't something they're experienced with and maybe if it's not something they think you need to get by cause they're not always with people who have higher education levels (thus being more open/used to hearing that side of the spectrum) then maybe they just don't understand the reality.

Like I said, it seems excessive that your parents would limit your options so much, I must say I have not crossed any research that says it's "normal" for parents to be that limiting, so obviously you have to realize that even if I am right on some level that there is probably something else going on (ex. your parents are overly protective, afraid for their daughter to move out or oldest, youngest, only boy etc, sorry if I am making assumptions about who you are), or maybe if you had issues 2 years ago with depression or something (drugs, fighting, anger management, eating disorder, partying, what ever) they're afraid of what will happen to you if you go away by yourself (ex. maybe you'll party again and this time they won't be able to get a hold on the situation or try to intervene and that might be scary for them)

What you might want to do is talk to your aunt if you trust her and see if maybe she'd be willing to help you get to the bottom of the issue and help you convince your parents. And like Chris says, if you are paying for yourself to go to college it is ultimately your decision since your parents are left with much less control if they are not contributing financially.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions