For covering them up keep them clean. They heal A lot faster. And you can bio oil or cocoa butter (I use cocoa butter works well for me) and they make them fade faster. Make up should be for last resort. Also you can use bandaids to cover them up and it works for me saying I "fell"
Yes scratching is Self harm. I used to scratch until I used tools and eventually I was cutting.. Now I just scare myself on what I can do.. I build up with intensity and you do too (that's why they are longer to heal) and sooner you stop the easier it will.

I can't make you stop but I sure recommend it. It's gonna get A LOT harder to cover these things up..
I totally understand you don't want people to know. I was the same way. But when I opened up to my bestfriend It took off all the weight I had on my shoulders. And someone on my team found out and told the school counselor and eventually told my parents. Honestly To have a good support system it helps a lot!

so people knowing (that you trust a lot) can helps.
Trust me girl you do have a purpose here on this earth. And yes people WILL miss you! It's hard to see that but it's true! I will miss you!! So please don't! It's NEVER the answer! Nor it never will be!
I hope everything gets better! Feel free to
VM me!