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Re: 1st Xmas present from boyfriend- should I be upset? - January 13th 2014, 05:10 PM

I don't know how to put this into words without coming off too judgy. I'll try and be as neutral as possible here:

- Was your gift worth the same as a Swarovski bracelet? If you expect more than you invest (here: money), you come off as gold/money digging. You want to avoid that. Age or income does not matter here, nor does what a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend invests. Just believe me on this one, many men know the gold digging syndrome and avoid it like the pest
- To avoid such situations, agree on an estimated amount of money to spend, so you both get gifts of similar value - and you cannot hold it against him later - plus, you could name a category for him. i.e.: "I would love if you could get me nice jewellery worth ~50$"
- I don't think you should expect anything at all (unless you agreed on something, like in point 2). Nobody should. Expecting presents stems from a feeling of entitlement. Tradition is not an excuse here.

Hope you two get over this so your relationship can improve

"In summary, men experience systematic discrimination in parenting, domestic violence policies, education, criminal sentencing, paternity, forced labor, military conscription, public health policies, genital integrity, false accusations, reproductive rights, portrayal by the media and in the coverage of their issues by the news media."

Last edited by PureStorm; January 13th 2014 at 09:09 PM.