I don't know how to put this into words without coming off too judgy. I'll try and be as neutral as possible here:
- Was your gift worth the same as a Swarovski bracelet? If you expect more than you invest (here: money), you come off as gold/money digging. You want to avoid that. Age or income does not matter here, nor does what a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend invests. Just believe me on this one, many men know the gold digging syndrome and avoid it like the pest
- To avoid such situations, agree on an estimated amount of money to spend, so you both get gifts of similar value - and you cannot hold it against him later - plus, you could name a category for him. i.e.: "I would love if you could get me nice jewellery worth ~50$"
- I don't think you should expect anything at all (unless you agreed on something, like in point 2). Nobody should. Expecting presents stems from a feeling of entitlement. Tradition is not an excuse here.
Hope you two get over this so your relationship can improve