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Crazycatlady Offline
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Re: Trans difficulties - January 12th 2014, 05:28 AM

I completely understand your fear of being kicked out of the house. One thing I emphasize about coming out is to wait until you're ready. If you don't emotionally feel ready, I don't feel that it is ever necessary to rush it since one thing to keep in mind about coming out is that you never just come out once. As an ace, I have to come out to everybody I meet due to people's straight-assumptive way of thinking.
Also, prior to coming out to your family, I would maybe come out to a friend who you trust/feel safe with and consider staying with that individual. I would also practice/rehearse what exactly to tell your parents and to come up with the exact conversation/how you are going to tell them.
If you need to, you can talk to me about this.

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