Hey Dez
I was in the same situation at the starting of college/through-out college. I never got caught/got in trouble for it, but most of my roommates knew due to the fact I did not always wear my sweater like I do when I am at home. Thankfully, I had good roommates and three of them said to my face "If you ever need to talk or need help, I'm here for you".
Another thing that kept me from self harming a lot though, was my program. I was in culinary, so the sleeves of the chef jackets had to be rolled up to the elbow. That was extremely awkward, having my scars/cuts showing at all times in classes. I got questioned A LOT from the other students.
However, you do have to be careful. One of my friends roommates (who was NOT self harming at the time) left his antidepressants sitting out beside a knife, and he got contacted by residence people, security and a counsellor about it. They made him come talk to them for about an hour. I know thats not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be awkward.
I know you've been around here for quite awhile (ive seen your posts and such a lot

) but I would suggest looking over the alternatives list and seeing if any of those can help
Best of luck and you can always message me to talk if you feel the need