Chin up, buttercup.
Junior TeenHelper ****
Name: Emery
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Location: Texas
Posts: 212
Join Date: September 21st 2013
Re: Free of self-harm, but... -
January 5th 2014, 11:19 PM
I'm so proud of you! An entire year and a month clean is outstanding, and I believe that you can continue staying as strong as you have.
I agree with Dez about broadening who you talk to. I used to only talk to one friend about my self harm, until she went on a mission trip to Africa and couldn't be reached. It was then that I realized I needed others to turn to. Siblings, a teacher, a coach, or another trusted adult are only a few options. Heck, even talking to a pet works! Build up a small list of 5 people you can talk to if the urge becomes strong.
Self expression is also a great way to avoid relapse. I know you've mentioned writing, but you're not limited to just that. You can sew, knit, finger paint, sing, make friendship bracelets, etc. Creating something is a great way to let your emotions run wild on paper or canvas rather than your skin.
And of course, you can always talk to us here at TH. The Chat Room is an excellent place to talk to some of the members here, or you can PM me or anyone else whenever you need someone to talk to.
I hope I've helped in some way!
Best of luck to you!
I love you to the moon and back.
Darling you are the only exception. ~Paramore ♡