Hello all-
It has been one year and a month since I last relapsed. As happy as I am to have been delivered from harming myself, I fear my future. A lot will be changing this year- and some of those changes I feel will not go over very well. Last year was a struggle every now and then, but I was strong enough to fight against the urge. However, I am not sure if I can resist if I become weak due to the changes in my mere future. Last time I nearly relapsed, nothing could get my mind off of it (I tried reading, watching movies, writing, playing games, Facebook, texting (the two people I needed weren't available), music etc.) and it was very hard to overcome. I actually would not have made it unscathed if my best friend hadn't texted me at the exact moment she had. Usually when I struggle with it, I want to talk to the couple of trusted friends I have, but I realize I cannot have people there for me 24/7. Any suggestions to avoid relapsing when you cannot stop focusing on it, or when you feel really weak and find difficulty in ignoring the urge to self-harm? Thanks