Re: Jealous of my boyfriend's best friend...who is a guy and they're not gay -
January 3rd 2014, 10:32 PM
First of all, it may not be an entirely bad thing him and his friend moving in together. Lots of people get on as friends, even best friends, but not as well as flatmates once things like bills and cleaning get in the way. And if they are already living together then perhaps they won't need to 'organise' as much time together, ie the time the two of you have together will be more your own.
However lots of things you've mentioned don't sound great either - I don't know about your situation but I from my own experience that doing 'long distance' which means you see each other for long periods but not very often can be tricky. My ex used to play keyboard while I was there which infuriated me as all I could do was stand around, I imagine him playing videogames is similarly annoying. None of us can tell you whether you should end your relationship or not as only you know what it's like. I think that talking to him to make sure you arrange to spend time together without Blake there (this doesn't have to be obviously you banning him from being around but just arrange to go out somewhere or DO something that doesn't involve sitting in their shared house. Presumably if he comes to visit you wherever you are moving to then Blake won't be around) is a good idea. I also agree with the above that you should make sure you have friends out of the relationship you can see when he's with Blake.