Thread: Triggering (Suicide): Family causes my depression
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Outside, huh?
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Re: Family causes my depression - January 2nd 2014, 10:54 AM

Hey, there.

I'm really sorry to hear about the recent situations you have been in. I too, have came from an abusive household (both verbally and physically) so I can relate to your situation. From the sound of it, it sounds like there is a communication breakdown within your household. What I mean by that is I bet you don't really talk to anyone in the house, and when you do it's not in a positive way (i.e., yelling, screaming, arguing, etc). Now, trust me, I am in no way blaming you for your situation, but have you ever tried to sit down your family (namely your parents) and tell them how you feel, how their words hurt, and how things are falling apart in your life? If you haven't, then I would most certainly recommend you starting there. Communication is the #1 key to solving most problems.

If after having a serious and adult-like conversation the verbal/emotional abuse continues, then it's time to seek some outside help. If you currently go to school, you can talk to the school counselor/social worker (for free). If you don't know who that is, ask a teacher to guide you in the right direction. If the school doesn't have a counselor/social worker (which is very unlikely), then go and talk to a trusted teacher, principal, or school administrator. If you don't currently go to school (or are home-schooled), then try to reach out to a trusted neighbor (adult), local police officer, firefighter, doctor, nurse, or anyone you feel comfortable with talking too. These are the people that can help you during your time of need.

I truly hope that you will be able to solve the issues by yourself (i.e., by talking to your parents), but if not, then it's in your best interest to seek outside help.

Best wishes,

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