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Re: Trans difficulties - January 2nd 2014, 09:35 AM

Hi there,

Congratulations about feeling so open with us that you were able to tell us all this! You should be proud!

As far as the part about coming out, the thing to consider first is whether or not you would be safe in your own home if you DO come out, or if at the very least you would have somewhere safe to go if you were to be kicked out. If you are unsure how your parents will react, maybe you can find a way to slip transgender issues into a conversation so you can get a feel for what they think without coming out. But if not, consider what your family is like, and if you think that it would be safe to come out, you can, but if you're thinking the probable outcome would get you kicked out or make you unsafe then it is okay to wait. And a letter is okay to come out with! They get everything out without nerves and interruptions, but they may still have questions or want to speak to you in person about it after that.

Does this bit of information posted by the Ohio University sort of explain some of your options on what it comes to surgery and hormone replacement therapy?

Maybe the person in your life who is FtM can also be a bit of support for you, because even if he hasn't had surgery yet, he can be someone who may be able to relate a bit.

Best of luck!


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive