Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
January 2nd 2014, 02:05 AM
Kyle: Why did you stop emailing me? Do you not like me anymore? You were my best friend....what exactly did I do? I'll do anything, say anything, so have you back again. I miss you and I love you. Please come back to me.
Bradon: I hope you love her. I really do. I hope that you broke my heart for a reason. I hope she's your best friend, just like I was yours. I hope she's worth the pain you caused.
Alyson: I'm sorry. You were right and I am so, so, so sorry.
Nikolai: I'm in love with you. More and more every time I talk to you. I am too terrified to tell you, because I know that you could never feel the same way. I know that if I told you, we wouldn't be best friends anymore and that's just not worth it. Also, it's be really nice if, just once, you texted ME first.
Mom: I'm sorry I'm such a fuck-up. Maybe someday I'll learn to wake up perfect.
Dr. Rossignol: What's wrong with me? Please, tell me that there is a medical reason that I am like this, because if there isn't then I really am crazy. I don't think I could live with that. Please tell me that I am not my mother. Please give me an explanation. Please tell me i can be fixed.
Pat: I thought I needed your approval. As it turns out, I don't. I can get by just fine without being your charity case. You may have given me my break, but that doesn't mean I owe you my existence.
Jay: I miss you. I wish things had ended differently between Braeden and I and that you and I could still be close. You were like a second mother to me....I miss that.
God: I don't know how I feel about you. I used to. But I don't anymore. I don't know how such an all-powerful being could stand by and watch all the pain and suffering that goes on in this world. I don't know how you could ignore my prayers so many times.