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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? -
December 28th 2013, 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Adam the Fish
Uhhh...actually, I'm pretty sure it is. It's most certainly ancient, and it looks very much like a book to me. And if you fancy looking up some contextual history...it was written by people who lived rather ignorant lives (as we still do, but to a lesser extent)...in the desert.
I would contest this on several points. Firstly, you can't use the Bible to back up the Bible. That would be like me saying that God definitely doesn't exist and pointing to a previous post.
Also...thoughts higher than ours? Point me to one thing in the Bible which humans couldn't think of (you'll be hard pushed, since humans wrote the Bible).
I would argue that modern philosophers (actually, ancient ones too) have brought us to far more meaningful conclusions, whilst science provides us with perhaps not all the answers which religion claims to give...but at least they're vaguely accurate.
And this is why the Bible is a) immoral b) not a good source of information as far as guidance for living our lives goes.
The Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin, but first I'd ask you to both justify your belief in the Bible, and what a 'sin' really is: isn't it just a concept created by religion anyway?
And until you can justify the Bible and provide satisfactory evidence as to its validity and relevance, I see no reason why anybody should have to follow it. By all means, feel free to sit within the happy confines of your childhood indoctrination if you want to...but don't force it upon the rest of us. 
Okay, first off, yes it is a book. It is ancient, but the way in which whoever was speaking of it made it seem like it was not relevant to our lives today-which it is.
I was not forcing anything upon anyone, others agreed with me as well.
This young woman was ASKING about these things, and WANTED references from the Bible to back up our answers, or so she said in a previous post of hers. Thank you very much.
The Bible is not immoral in any way, shape, or form.
I justify my belief in the Bible as God's word.
And yes, the Bible was written by men, humans, but it was only through God's Holy Spirit by which they did so.
If you knew as much as you obviously pretend to about the Bible, you would know the evidence of the scrolls and things written in stone from the first century Christians.
To answer your question, a sin such as homosexuality is something that is directly going against what God requires.
God does not approve of such because God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, to be together.
And it says numerous times in the Bible how homosexuality is a sin and it is a detestable act.
Therefore, if you engage in homosexuality, you are directly disobeying God's laws and that is what I consider a sin.
We are all born "sinners" or "in sin" because of Adam and Eve.
But we have the CHOICE to follow God's laws or not, and therefore we will be judged according to our deeds.
But if we make the CHOICE to disobey God, that is considered lawlessness on our part, which is sinning.
Doing something we know is wrong, something we know would damage our relationship with God.
And we have a choice to do so or not. Because that's how God created us.
We are not "born" a certain way.
Proof of that is in the example of Adam and Eve.
They were perfect, sinless, humans.
But they had their free will.
Just as we all do.
And they sinned against God by not listening to his directions and his laws because they lacked love for God.
So bottom line is, if we love God, and not just fear him, we will do what he asks of us, not bend it to fit what we want.
So dance if it moves you,
and jump in the fire, if it burns you.
I'll throw my arms around you darlin',
and we'll turn to ashes.
Kinda like the way you tell me,
"Baby, please come home. I need you here right now.
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."
What if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat.
I'll be the fire that'll catch you.
What's so good about picking up the pieces?