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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? -
December 27th 2013, 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Lights.
Okay, first off, the Bible is not some "ancient book" written by "desert-dwellers."
Uhhh...actually, I'm pretty sure it is. It's most certainly ancient, and it looks very much like a book to me. And if you fancy looking up some contextual was written by people who lived rather ignorant lives (as we still do, but to a lesser extent) the desert.
Originally Posted by Lights.
The Bible is inspired by God, and contain His thoughts, which are higher than ours.
(2Timothy:3:16, 17.) (Isaiah:66:8,9.)
I would contest this on several points. Firstly, you can't use the Bible to back up the Bible. That would be like me saying that God definitely doesn't exist and pointing to a previous post.
Also...thoughts higher than ours? Point me to one thing in the Bible which humans couldn't think of (you'll be hard pushed, since humans wrote the Bible).
I would argue that modern philosophers (actually, ancient ones too) have brought us to far more meaningful conclusions, whilst science provides us with perhaps not all the answers which religion claims to give...but at least they're vaguely accurate.
Originally Posted by Lights.
[SIZE="4"And, yes, as it is written in the Bible, being LGBT is in fact a sin.
Leviticus:18:22: Reads this way: "You must not lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable act."
Very clear there.
If you want a "New Testament" reference, here you go.
1 Corinthians:6:9,10: "Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom."
So there you go, plain and simple. According to the Bible, it is a sin.
And this is why the Bible is a) immoral b) not a good source of information as far as guidance for living our lives goes.
The Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin, but first I'd ask you to both justify your belief in the Bible, and what a 'sin' really is: isn't it just a concept created by religion anyway?
And until you can justify the Bible and provide satisfactory evidence as to its validity and relevance, I see no reason why anybody should have to follow it. By all means, feel free to sit within the happy confines of your childhood indoctrination if you want to...but don't force it upon the rest of us. [/size]