Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? -
December 27th 2013, 09:18 PM
I'm not a Christian, but I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine that is Christian about this. She believes that it is a sin, but that it is no worse than the sins we commit every day, such as sexual sin (looking at others in sexual ways) or engaging in sex before marriage. You can still ask for forgiveness and still go to heaven, in her opinion. And I consider her a very strict Christian. This is a view that has changed for her more and more as she's gotten older, as she used to believe they went to hell. But when you meet other people, gay people that have dedicated their lives to helping others and living "the way of God," as we both have friends like that, you really start to wonder why a God would make them that way if they weren't meant to be the way they are.
something burning?