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InSovietRussiaORGASMGotU Offline
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Re: My Rant About Science vs. Religion - April 9th 2009, 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by silentmuffin View Post
Should there be? There wasn't photography...or newpapers, or legal documents, or anything like that. There's the Bible and the traditional story passed through generations, and that's more proof of existence than most other individuals who lived during that time have. I certainly can't prove Noah existed, but what kind of proof are you looking for? The things we have today for proof just didn't even exist during that time. It's not impossible by any means that there wouldn't be much trace of him today.
The bible is one of the most unreliable and unvalid pieces of literature out there. Stories passed through generations aren't proof, as each time it's retold, there's bound to be some distortion. Also, how are the stories meant to be proof? I could just as easily pass stories through my family's and friends' generations regarding a bottle of water that spilled and ruined a book. It's not proof, as who is to say that the original story was not only accurate but un-opinionated and was actually true? What if in my example, no such bottle existed? What if what really happened was the dog ate the paper or I pissed on the paper? You can pass stories on as much as you want but they too have large issues with reliability, validity and whether or not they're true, especially if it's retold for numerous generations.