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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by YoUcAnCaLlMeInSaNe View Post
So I'm bisexual. I want to end up with a woman. The only reason that I'm not a lesbian is because of band members. You might already know that because I have posted here before. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.

I found this on Yahoo Answers:

Everyone is born with there own sexual orientation just like there born with there gender, its NEVER a choice, its no different then being born with a birthmark, I cant believe how stupid people on here can be. Homosexuality is totally unrelated to pedophilia, for one thing 97% of pedophiles are STRAIGHT MARRIED MEN! also Pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, all end with a PHILIA, does homosexuality end with a Philia? Homophilia? NO! Being gay is NOT a sin either, God made special people Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian & even Transgender for a reason, because he wanted us to spread peace in this cruel world, Also if being gay was a sin, why isn't it in the 10 commandments? The bible was written by MORTAL men NOT God or Jesus, also theres a GAY LOVE story, DAVID & JOHN! Marriage is based on 2 people that love eachother regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, skin color. Besides straight people get married for the wrong reasons, money, fame, kids, etc, thats why 51% of heterosexual marriages FAIL! I can't believe people go out of there way to discriminate Gods words, the same way they used his words to support slavery, the holocaust & even make woman look like Dogs compared to men. Thank you girl, for staying true to yourself & standing up for what you believe, Your parents must be proud to have a responsible, respectful mature daughter, & F*C* the haters!

Any thoughts?

Also, don't tell me that I can change and 'become strait' or any shit like that.
If you believe the Bible, the Bible seems to imply that humans are born with sin. If this is the case, homosexuality can be something someone is born into.

The Bible also states that humans are slaves to sin, and that only Christ can set us free. If this is the case, then our only ability to cease from any sin is through Christ.

I think the issue is that a lot of Christians condemn one sin in particular. If homosexuality is a sin, it's no more a sin than the greed that is rampant in Churches.

"For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love."
- Carl Sagan
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