Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? -
December 23rd 2013, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Adam the Fish
Marriage is a civil, state matter, not one for a bunch of people following millenia-old laws from a book written by some random, largely illiterate desert-dwellers to decide.
While marriage can be a state matter, it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes people get married via the court in a completely secular setting. Sometimes people get married in a religious ceremony only, that would not be consider legal by the state. Some people do both and are legally married by a state official and married in a religious ceremony (like I did). It just depends on what the couple wants to do.
There are plenty of people in America alone that are married religiously where it is not recognized by the state. Take for example polygamous groups. They consider themselves truly married and bound to one another by God, but that would not be reflected by state laws.
But, at the end of the day, whichever ceremony or commitment you choose to go with is your own personal choice and it’s between you and God. If you want to marry someone outside of the legal system then I say go for it. It won’t be recognized by the state, but that doesn’t mean you can’t commit yourself to someone you love.
In my personal opinion marriage should not be a legal/non legal thing. It should remain a spiritual connection. The government should not get to decide who is worthy of being with another person the rest of their life. But that’s probably not going to happen so I am all for making gay marriage legal. I am also all for making polygamy legal as I think grown adults should be able to marry whomever they like. (But that’s another topic.)
Originally Posted by YoUcAnCaLlMeInSaNe
. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.
While I am not Christian, my understanding of the religion is that as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your savoir and try to do your best to be a good person, the rest of it is just earthly matters.
I personally do not think God cares who you are with as long as you are good to them and they are good to you. I really do think it is that simple.
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