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YoUcAnCaLlMeInSaNe Offline
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Name: Quinn
Age: 23
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Location: North Carolina

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Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 21st 2013, 11:36 PM

So I'm bisexual. I want to end up with a woman. The only reason that I'm not a lesbian is because of band members. You might already know that because I have posted here before. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.

I found this on Yahoo Answers:

Everyone is born with there own sexual orientation just like there born with there gender, its NEVER a choice, its no different then being born with a birthmark, I cant believe how stupid people on here can be. Homosexuality is totally unrelated to pedophilia, for one thing 97% of pedophiles are STRAIGHT MARRIED MEN! also Pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, all end with a PHILIA, does homosexuality end with a Philia? Homophilia? NO! Being gay is NOT a sin either, God made special people Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian & even Transgender for a reason, because he wanted us to spread peace in this cruel world, Also if being gay was a sin, why isn't it in the 10 commandments? The bible was written by MORTAL men NOT God or Jesus, also theres a GAY LOVE story, DAVID & JOHN! Marriage is based on 2 people that love eachother regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, skin color. Besides straight people get married for the wrong reasons, money, fame, kids, etc, thats why 51% of heterosexual marriages FAIL! I can't believe people go out of there way to discriminate Gods words, the same way they used his words to support slavery, the holocaust & even make woman look like Dogs compared to men. Thank you girl, for staying true to yourself & standing up for what you believe, Your parents must be proud to have a responsible, respectful mature daughter, & F*C* the haters!

Any thoughts?

Also, don't tell me that I can change and 'become strait' or any shit like that.