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FireHeart Offline
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Name: Jade
Age: 26
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Re: I self harm and I was wondering if anyone could tell me any good excuses for self harm marks - December 12th 2013, 02:20 AM

Sometimes I'll say things like: My demons attacked me or I got into a fight with a monster...and won. I've said that a cat scratched me before but I got tired or my grandma lecturing me about not petting stray cats and that they could have rabies so I stopped using that one. One of my ongoing silly responses is: I was making out with a griffon on the peak of a mountain. We got so into it that we fell down and he landed on top of me. There was this one little girl who took that one to extremes and started asking me what happened to the griffon after that and if I could draw a picture of it for was quite amusing :P
I wish you the best of luck on your journey <3

HAPPINESS is just waiting for me to take it; I truly believe that now.