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Age of Ignorance Offline
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Name: Mitch
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Re: Minutes ago, my parents discovered I'm agnostic/atheist - December 11th 2013, 04:48 AM

Firstly, good on you for experiencing spirituality on your own terms and not succumbing to dictatorial parents. Your beliefs are for you to hold and no one should ever impress upon you any other system of beliefs simply because they hold those beliefs and you do not. There are merits to all systems, but only you can decide what you believe in.

Secondly, let it blow over. Parents are prone to experiencing certain emotions upon learning that their children are doing or saying something that goes against their values. Ultimately, they come to accept the lifestyle you choose for yourself. They may be reluctant for a while, but every parent inevitably discovers that their children will one day come out of childhood and become an individual. The important thing for you to do is not to antagonise them, and to simply show that your beliefs do not change or determine the values you hold and the characteristics you exhibit. That should make it easier on them.