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Meggi Offline
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Name: Meggi
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Could I be pregnant? - December 10th 2013, 08:11 PM

Ok, I'm still young and I have done sexual things with my boyfriend. We have not had sex because we're not ready but I have given oral and weve played with each other. When I was round his which was on a Friday I had given him a bj and hj inbetween. He didn't fully ejaculate but he did precum a little but I had continued to give him a bj. The only time he touch his penis is to adjust skin on it. Later on he had fingered me and hadn't thought much of it but then the next day I felt sick. Basically what I'm asking if I could be pregnant? I didn't throw up but I did feel sick. I have also been getting cramps, I've heard that they could also be a sign of pregnancy? I sure he had no precum on his fingers but it would of been dry by the time he fingered me. I don't feel sick anymore but I am getting slight cramps but they're not painful. So, I want to know whether there could be a chance of being pregnant..?