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Re: Im so.. Lonely.. -
December 5th 2013, 05:28 AM
Hi there!
First of all, I am so sorry about your mom. I can't imagine how that must be for you. You know, I don't know your mom and I don't know you. But I know she loves you, and she'd want you to live. Nobody can ask you to forget her, that's wrong, because she'll always be in your heart and your thoughts. Everyone has to grieve, but it hasn't been real long. So please give yourself the chance for things to get better. You know what I think? I think that sometime later on, you'll be able to think of your mom and think of the happy memories. Think of her in a good way. She must have been a pretty great person, who loved you a lot. So just hold on, this cannot be easy for you but it's worth it. You've got a future and a lot of life to live. A lot of great experiences to have. You can be happy, this isn't all there is to life, okay?
That must be pretty hard that your dad told everyone you're a compulsive liar. I don't believe that, you can PM me if you want. I'll listen and believe you're being honest. And you've got others here for you as well. Can you call a hotline or talk to the school counselor? You shouldn't have to go through this alone. I thought I'd also suggest a few other tips in getting your feelings out, such as writing your thoughts and feelings in a notebook, writing poems or short stories. For me, going for walks seems to clear my mind so that could help. Do you have any hobbies you enjoy that you could do to help you cope through this difficult time? Like playing games or anything else you enjoy? Healthy coping mechanisms are great. Oh and I looked at your profile, I saw your horse. She's beautiful and I bet she'd love for you to take her out on rides. She enjoys your company.
I'm so happy that you stopped the bleeding when you did, because your life matters. It matters so much more than you think. I know you're extremely depressed and lonely, but I think one day you'll come to be thankful that you lived past this. Because you've got a lot of life ahead of you. So many amazing things. I realize things are hard right now, but when you're ready, I suggest trying to work on self-harm recovery when you feel a bit better. Just reminding you that you can do anything you put your mind up to. Including recovery, so I felt like I should give you this link. It's to the Self-harm Alternatives list, some things are helpful and I ask that you try not to hurt yourself. You're a beautiful person and don't deserve to be harming yourself. You deserve better. I don't know you, but I do care. It upsets me that such a cool person as you is going through this and wanting to end her life. Because I see that things will get better for you. I can't tell you when, but please trust me when I say it won't always be this bad. Life isn't fair, but somehow I see that all the bad things we endure help us be stronger in the end. You're a survivor, girl. You've been through a lot, you can do this. Believe in yourself, just hold on. 
Stay Strong <3
Last edited by DeletedAccount12; December 5th 2013 at 08:15 AM.