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I can't get enough *********
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
November 18th 2013, 02:50 AM
-You were actually ok to work with today... thank you.
-I really appreciate that you mentioned that meeting to me this evening. I'm not sure why - maybe I like that you took the time to confide in me?? (Although maybe you said it to the other guys.) You know, I think my stupid, annoying little crush has started to have run its course and I've fancied you less every day and liked you more as a workmate and friend. Anyway I hope tomorrow goes ok for you.
-You guys are just great... I felt so crap all night in work and didn't want to talk to anyone... and then staying afterwards for a cup of tea and a chat cheered me up so much. I like that we all get on. Thank you.
- Love. What was with last night?? I felt so shite all evening today because it just felt like it wasn't us. You seem so impatient with me these days. Some things hurt me a lot... like 'you're so negative,' I can see where you're coming from but I'm not and that's not the case with what was going on. I felt so guilty over the whole sex thing, which you're usually so great with.
And why,why why did that whole jealousy over people in work thing happen?? Why?? God it made me feel so sad, I can't stand when you feel bad and I really have no idea where it came from. I hated that you felt jealous about me letting Dave know I got home safe, I hated that you made me feel like I'd done something wrong. And why are you so convinced I fancy someone in work?? Yeah there was that stupid crush for a while that's pretty much disappeared now, but that was never a threat to our relationship in any way - that person is not good-looking or attractive and could never compare to you.
I just would like if we were still the way we were a while ago... but we're changing and I'm not sure how much longer it's going to go on. 
And the whole 'I love you bitesize and I'm sorry if this hurts' thing but you keeping going...?? That made a part of me feel ice cold.
-That status was blatantly meant for me and it made me feel shit. Why did you do something so immature?? Also our friendship would be a lot easier to maintain if it didn't feel like you had a constant vendetta against me. :/
Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago ..... I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door ... ... Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear. Things are not always what they seem.