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Re: Jelly Beans are anti-trans. - November 16th 2013, 03:07 AM

Well, here's my two cents:

Just because his personal money is earned through this company, doesn't mean the company can dictate who and what he donates to. He's a human being, with his own beliefs and things to stand for, and he's allowed to be anti-trans in the same way I'm allowed to be pro-trans. So long as his support isn't hurting anybody, or suppressing anybody, or affecting who he'll hire, then it's his money, and his choice.

Recently I heard that a mayor in Canada has been caught smoking cocaine. That directly affects his decision making, so it's important. This CEO's own personal biases have little to do with his work life, and therefore should be left alone.

And, finally, those jelly beans are the expensive ones anyway. I always go for Pascall jelly beans, because in my opinion, they're the tastiest, and they're also far cheaper than Jelly Belly jelly beans.

I just think it's wrong of us to judge this guy. He's not misappropriating funds, he's not hurting people, he's simply donating to a cause that lines up with what he believes. I also think that what he's donating to could quite possibly lead to a better alternative - purpose built bathrooms for those whose gender identity does not align with their physical gender (sex), or unisex bathrooms. Because to be quite honest, if I went into a female bathroom, and there was a male in there who I did not know, my first reaction wouldn't be to assume that he's trans - my first reaction would be to think he's there doing something inappropriate. Gender identity would not be a conclusion I would jump to.

I wouldn't donate to the same cause, I'm just saying maybe there's a better alternative, and that the money he's donating, whilst it does not line up with my own personal ideals, could somehow contribute to that better alternative.