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Re: How do I tell my English, Algebra and Science teacher I self harm? - November 14th 2013, 11:39 AM

Hey there,

I think that it is a very good idea to tell your teachers about the self harm and it is great that you are considering it! I don't think you should keep it to yourself. That way, they can become a support system for you, which is something really great to have when you are struggling with something such as self harm.

One thing you can do is write these teachers letters (or emails, if you're sure they check their email frequently). That may spare you the trouble of trying to figure out when to meet with each individual teacher, if that's an issue for you. In that letter or email, get everything you would want your teachers to know out. For instance, you can let them know that you have been cutting and you want some support for it. If you want to you can include other details like how long you have been cutting for. After you get the letter all written out either hand it to them, leave it where they DEFINITELY will get it but where nobody you don't want getting it will, or put it in their mailboxes. Or if it's an email you can just send it. They'll still all probably want to talk to you about it but at least then you'll have everything out without nerves and interruptions getting in the way.

If you want to tell them in person, do you know what free time they have? For instance, some teachers in my school have planning/prep periods throughout the day at various times so if you figure out their prep period you can go then, or most teachers have time before or after school. Or, try during a study hall if they're available. It may help if you plan out what you are going to say before you go in there so things run smoothly. Again, for instance, you can mention self harming and wanting their support, and if there's anything else you want them to know this would the time you would say it.

But, it's a very good idea to tell them, and I think that the best two options would either be through a letter or email or in person, so you're sure they get what you want to say.

You can do this!


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive