Re: Is this Self Harm? -
November 9th 2013, 07:16 PM
I guess it could be considered a mild form of self harm, since you are hurting yourself in order to relieve tension. My fear for you is that you will continue to feel like a wimp and then try something more devastating, thus I'd like to offer you some alternatives in hopes that you can find different ways to cope. There are many other things you can do instead of causing harm to your body in that way. Go on a walk, create some art, or write. There are many activities that can work better then self harm when it comes to relieving tension. You can put all your negative energy into something and then afterwords you have something to be proud of. It is literally turning very negative emotions into good.
"If you touch a spider web anywhere, you set the whole thing trembling. . . . As we move around this world and as we act with kindness, perhaps, or with indifference, or with hostility toward the people we meet, we too are setting the great spider web a-tremble. The life that I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt. Our lives are linked. No person is an island."