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Name: Gary Oak
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Re: Jelly Beans are anti-trans. - November 7th 2013, 08:52 PM

After the whole Chic-fil-A controversy went down, I would think more people would've come to the realization that these "UGH BIGOTS" type of boycotts are petty, pointless and often backfire. The people who support the Jelly Belly CEO's decision will hear about this and start buying Jelly Belly's products en masse, just like they did when Chic-fil-A's president made that statement about gay marriage. Do the math: trans people are about 0.02% of the population, and Christians are upwards of 75%. Which side realistically (i.e. outside of Tumblr) comprises the overwhelming majority? Sorry, but you're under-leveled for this fight and even the splash damage alone is enough to one-shot you. GG.

And don't think for a minute that the "Jelly Beans are anti-trans" line won't get found and ridiculed by the right-wing sites and further their cause. It only lends validation to the conservative claim that the social justice brigade is petty and childish.