Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Tired of the people at my school (LONG) =-=
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Angry Tired of the people at my school (LONG) =-= - October 29th 2013, 07:26 PM

so I am that type of girl who is always saying "Good Morning" or "Good Afternoon" and asking how people are if they look sad but people always...they always test me....and i'm small and skinny. so, today, i have had ENOUGH of the bullshit. This shit has been going on for too damn long. After the whistle is blown, we're suppose to get up and go to 8th period. so me and my friends get up and a crowd of people is trying to get out the door. Then all of a sudden something hits my head....a plastic filled powerade bottle. so i got loud and said "who the fuck threw that?" and nobody said shit so i gave my friends my book and coat and repeated myself. people start laughing and the teachers aint doing SHIT. are you fucking kidding me so my friend said that somebody from the back said it wasn't suppose to hit me. so im saying what i got to say then i get so mad, i punch fucking glass, nearly breaking the shit and left out the school because i just can't take being in that school. Now i also have cuts on my knuckles (dumb move I know) Why the hell should I go to school being constantly bothered and nobody does shit? I mean...ok they got away with it this time...what if next time they figure they can throw a glass bottle? what the fuck can i do because i am so pissed off i can barely think straight?