Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
October 22nd 2013, 05:32 AM
Tomorrow I'm going to confront the rest of them about what happened last time. And I swear, if you try to make this about you again, I won't be so nice this time. You'd be lucky for me to just leave the room like I did before, compared to the shitstorm I will fucking lay upon you. Because I don't have the patience anymore. I'm done tip-toeing around your feelings. I'm done protecting you because you're "fragile." Buck up or shut up, because until you start giving a damn about yourself, don't ask me to give a damn about you.
I am one step away from snapping your head off. And I don't snap easily. So I suggest while I am talking tomorrow, you keep your mouth shut. Because if you can't keep yours shut, I'm not quite sure what will come out of mine.